Arts and Craft Trolley

The arts and craft trolley is a free, all materials provided program that visits patients at their bedside. As an artist led program the trolley facilitator guides patients in art activities and can leave a personalised selection of materials for patients to engage with while in hospital. The arts facilitators will visit patients regularly to ensure they have the correct art materials and to suggest ways that they can be used according to individual capability.

Arts facilitators also run weekly creative workshops in select wards and hospital areas to engage patients and visitors. These are catered to the capabilities and interests of participants and provide long stay patients with a regular non clinical activity to look forward to in their weekly health schedule.

Creative workshops for wellbeing are also delivered for staff as one off or monthly sessions. Please contact if you’d like to discuss this opportunity.

Art trolley visit are by referral from hospital staff – please talk to a nurse, social worker or pastoral care team member if you would like a visit or email