
St Vincent’s Sydney offers diverse education, development and leadership opportunities to our community of nurses, encouraging the development of nursing expertise, nursing leadership and career progression across multiple spheres of practice- as clinicians, managers and educators. The philosophy which underpins our practice is based on St Vincent’s Sydney has a close and collaborative working relationship with our University partners both on and off campus to ensure the nursing practice is contemporary,  research informed and evidence based. Nursing research is supported through collaborative relationships with the Nursing Research Institute and our nursing co-joint appointments.

Leadership, Management and Specialty Clinical Practice programs are available through Nursing Education and Learning and Development. St Vincent’s nurses also have opportunities to partake in NSW Health, the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI), Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) and the Clinical Excellence Commission’s (CEC) Leadership, Practice Development and Quality Improvement Programs.

Creating excellence in clinical practice is the driving force of St Vincent's Nursing Education and Development Centre and all of our training and professional development opportunities are designed to support St Vincent’s Strategy EnVison 2025 and the SVHA Learning and Development Strategy.

St Vincent's postgraduate specialty nursing programs include: perioperative nursing, intensive care nursing, anaesthetic and recovery nursing, or cardiothoracic and heart lung transplant nursing. Scholarships are available. Further details of these programs can be viewed under the Postgraduate Courses section

There is opportunity to work toward and apply for a personal regrading to Clinical Nurse Specialist in many of our clinical areas.