Burton Street Centre

Do you have questions about Methamphetamine (ICE, Crystyal, Meth, Speed, Base), Cocaine or MDMA?

Are you worried about your drug use or would you like to understand more about it?

How can we help?

There are plenty of ways you can get help and support through counselling with the Burton Street Centre.

You can talk to someone and get support for:

Drug and alcohol use:
We can help you understand why you use drugs and how you can stop using drugs altogether, if that’s your goal.

Emotional and mental health:
We will support you with other factors in your life that may be causing you stress and impacting your drug use.

Medical support:
You can see one of our doctors for a checkup or we can refer you to other medical services.

What can I expect?

We will find out a little more about you and work with you to understand what might be most useful.

You’ll usually spend about 30-60 minutes with a counsellor.

What if I’m not ready to quit?

That’s okay, we will work with you where you’re at.

We can help you reduce your reliance on drugs, and help you address any difficulties you may be facing because of your drug use.

Can I bring someone else?

At Burton Street Centre we are happy to see you on your own. We can also see you with a member of your family or a support person of your choice. They can join us in meetings if you want.

These meetings are conversations that focus on us working together to decide what will be most helpful moving forward.

How to get in touch

Call us

Appointment times are available from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm.
Phone us on 8382 1078 to make a booking


You can leave your details on our website. Leave your details in the form below and we'll get back to you within 48 business hours

Through somebody else

Speak to your support service or GP who can contact us on your behalf.

Would you like The Burton Street Centre to call you directly? Leave your details below and we'll get back to you within 48 business hours.

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