Our Services

Homeless Outreach Team (HOT)

The Homeless Outreach Team provides health assessment, treatment, referral and care coordination. We work in partnership with local services and offer a range of health clinics at a variety of local homelessness services. We also provide outreach health support to people who are sleeping rough. We work closely with our partner services to ensure people have access to long term stable accommodation.

We have health clinics at various drop in centres and services in Sydney. We also do street outreach so we might meet you on one of our patrols.

We can help you look after your health and link you with health services of your choice. CLICK HERE for health clinic locations and times. 

HOT coordinates all referrals into the Homeless Health Service. 

This video gives you an insight into their work.

Assertive Outreach Team (AOT)

The Assertive Outreach Team provides care coordination to people experiencing primary homelessness (sleeping rough). We aim to assist people to access mainstream and specialist healthcare to ensure they are supported in improving their health and wellbeing outcomes. We also support clients with their transition into accommodation with a view to establishing strong links with health services in the area that they are housed.


After Hours Primary Health Care Team (AHPHCT)

The After Hours Team operates outside of standard business hours and aims to enable greater access to healthcare for people experiencing homelessness after-hours when there are less available services. The team provides primary health care outreach clinics in local homelessness services. 


Community Access & Assessment Team (CAAT)

CAAT offers support to people experiencing high and/or complex needs. CAAT provides assessment, intervention and recommendation with a view to improve health outcomes, enhance client wellbeing and reduce unnecessary hospital presentations.  The CAAT multidisciplinary team includes a Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and Clinical Nurse Specialist. Click here for more information about this service. 


Tierney House

Tierney House is a 12 bedded residential unit that provides short-term transitional accommodation to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness that need health support. Tierney House provides a safe and stable environment where residents can access assessment, treatment and supported referral to health, accommodation and support services. Clinical services are accessed off site and it is staffed 24/7 by Residential Support Workers. 

Aboriginal Health

The Homeless Health Service acknowledges how important it is for Aboriginal people to have services that are culturally right for them. Our Aboriginal Health Workers provide cultural support, advocacy, finding the right services to support you with your heath and housing. 

Peer Support

All of our Peer Workers have had an experience of being homeless at some time and can help you to find services that are right for you. Peer workers can support people with their goals and will accept people wherever they are at. Peer workers can also help people find something as simple as food or clothing.

Wesley Mission Partnership

Our Wesley Mission Partnership includes two senior Mental Health clinicians providing healthcare, support and care coordination to clients of the Wesley Mission Therapeutic Support Team. The clinicians provide assertive outreach with a focus on people experiencing mental illness who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. 

Please note that the Homeless Health Service does not provide emergency treatment or accommodation
. If you require emergency treatment please present to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000. Alternatively you can call the NSW Mental Health Line, 24 hours on 1800 011 511. If you require accommodation, please call Link2Home on 1800 152 152.